Hilton Head, South Carolina Graphic

Celebrity Server Lions Club
Chairs for Charity

Volunteering for One More Referral sorting night at Fair Tide

Fair Tide Thrift Store Check Presentation

Gentiques Thrift Store

Holiday Happenings at Kittery Estates

A Perfect Move, kittery, me

Hospitality Tent- Walk to End Alzheimer's

Networking Seminar

One More Referral_Business of the Year
Original Moving Truck Circa 1980s...

Packing Seminar Maple Suites
"How to downsize your home", a packing seminar, conducted by Genevieve Benton discussing step-by-step guides on topics such as “5 Easy Steps to Moving”, “Embracing Change”, and “Organizing Your Life”.

A Perfect Move, Pig Roast

Shorts Sands Beach Clean Up
A Perfect Move team cleaning up short sands beach in York Beach, Me after storm.

York Me Senior Center Seminar on Aging

Yard (Truck) Sale to Benefit End 68 Hours of Hunger
We've been collecting new and gently used furniture that has been generously donated throughout the winter months, and the time has come to pass it on with our benefit yard sale! Even though spring cleaning is upon us, these great pieces of furniture are guilt-free additions to your home as all proceeds go to benefit End 68 Hours of Hunger!